Uninvited Guests | Free Short Adventure for D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Uninvited Guests | Free Short Adventure for D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Written by Megan L. Garner
Pathfinder 2e conversion by Zac Chaney
Cartography by Architect GM

A stately manor nestled deep in a frozen forest, an unnatural storm raging overhead, and a noble hiding in fear—something is terribly wrong at Climebriar Manor. The once-grand estate, rich with elven history and sacred relics, has become the center of a dangerous magical disturbance, drawing in wandering beasts, restless spirits, and unseen assassins. As the party steps onto its vine-wreathed grounds, they must unravel the mystery behind the storm, calm the frightened dire wolves, and confront an invisible threat lurking in the shadows before Climebriar’s secrets are lost forever.

By the way, if you’re a busy GM without enough to time to prep like you know you should, Lairs & Legends can help. Grab an adventure, read it in about 15 minutes, and you’re ready to run your game! With over 700 pages of 5e resources, there’s no reason to feel stressed out and overwhelmed before your next D&D game.

Uninvited Guests - 5e

Below are the details you need to run this adventure. However, the game master is encouraged to customize it slightly for their group and ongoing campaign. Consider questions such as the following:

·         Where will this adventure take place in your world?

·         Should you change any of the location names to make them better fit your campaign setting?

·         Should you increase or decrease the loot, including adding or removing magic items?

·         Should you adjust any of the encounters to better fit the power level of your players and their characters?

Game Master Notes

Level. This adventure is designed for a group of four to six level-five characters.

Creatures. This adventure features the following creatures: dire wolf, druid, invisible stalker, noble.

Resting. It’s expected that the party will not need to take any long rests in this adventure, though they may need a short rest if the characters encounter bad luck.

Loot. This adventure contains the following treasure: crystal ball, 2 scrolls of dispel magic, slippers of sonority, an enduring spellbook, precious gemstones (10 gp each), 5 gp per party member.

Point of Interest: Climebriar Manor

Climebriar Manor

Noble residence

Creatures. The creatures listed in the adventure (aside from the invisible stalker) can be found at Climebriar Manor.

Description. Climebriar Manor is a single-floor estate laced with thorny, pale vines within a wintry forest of teal-leafed trees. It once belonged to an elven mage from a long line of holy knights, commemorated in a courtyard of celestial statues on the property.

This elven family worshiped a nature deity whose symbols are a blue serpent, the teal-leafed trees of this forest, and lightning. This imagery runs throughout Climebriar Manor. The tree at the center of the property is a holy site maintained in dedication to this deity. The elven mage who lost this property in a card game to Lord Heggmere now lives among a mage collective in a nearby city.

The shame of losing the family property in a card game plagues the mage daily. He has prayed to his family’s patron deity daily for the strength, foresight, and fortune to do this. His prayers have spurred the wild magic surge of this mini-adventure. The tree at the center of the property houses the essence of that deity, for the elven family has pruned and prayed to it for generations.

Discoveries. While the characters are at Climebriar Manor, they can discover the following:

  • The storage room contains 20 precious gems collected by Lord Heggmere for the purpose of enchantment. They are not magical in nature but are worth about 10 gp each and easily accessible in the room.
  • The library contains books detailing the history of the elven family that used to own the property, the nature deity, and different prophecies gained through Augury that could lead the party on new adventures.
  • The scrollwork on the study’s floor enhances any arcane activities or checks in that room.
  • The shrine outside the manor’s front doors is dedicated to the nature deity worshiped by the family that used to own the state.

L1. Manor Exterior

As a large, stately manor wreathed in pale briar comes into view, peals of barrel-chested dog barks tear through the air. You see two large dogs, both silver-coated, bounding from the courtyard on the eastern side of the building to the manor’s front steps. The dogs approach with caution, growling, though their black eyes are wide and weeping.

Creatures. Six dogs (dire wolves) are barking at the door to the manor, accessible from the courtyard. They run to the front steps as the party approaches.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         The party may assume that these dogs are domesticated and frightened by something but can confirm this with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the character will intuit that the dogs are domesticated since they wear gem-studded collars and exhibit sociable, though nervous, traits. The dogs hesitantly wag their tails if the party uses calming gestures or voices.

Encounter Notes.

·         A character can calm the dire wolves if they succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.

o   On a success, the dire wolves will calm down and try to lead the party through the mansion: through the courtyard (L2), the dining hall and lounge (L3), and finally to the door of Lord Heggmere’s study (L4).

o   On a failure, the dire wolves will yelp and run back through the courtyard and into the dining hall, where they will hide under the dining table.

·         If the party attacks the dire wolves, they will defend themselves. As soon as they lose half their hit points, they flee into the forest.

The Sound of Thunder. As the party reaches the foot of the manor’s steps, they hear thunder roaring again. They realize the sound is coming from within.

Climbing Briar. On a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Nature) check, a character can deduce that the pale briar on the walls is an aesthetic choice. They notice the overgrown briar on the doors and that the branches end in attractive flourishes.

Shrine. A shrine to a deity of knowledge, a patron of scholars, Lord Heggmere had the shrine built to signify his pursuit of magical scholarship. The water from each spout of the font seems to have frozen into the shape of a serpentine head. Twigs and leaves lie nestled under the fountain’s basin and on some of the steps leading up to it. On a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check, a character will recognize the bundles of detritus as druidic charms.

L2. A Court of Angels

The manor’s facade opens to reveal a snow-laden courtyard attended by a host of celestial statues. Frosted shrubs bristling with bright red berries grow around the statues’ pedestals.

Celestial Statues. Upon closer inspection by characters who can read Elvish, they will learn that these are monuments to the former owner’s family members, who appear to have come from a long line of elf paladins.

Gladdenberries. These randomly plotted berry bushes have been stirred to life by Selbi, the resident druid. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Nature) check will tell a character these berries are edible. On a result of 18 or higher, a character will know these berries, when ingested, will pique awareness—granting advantage on Perception checks.

L3. The Dining Hall

Within this grand dining hall is a large stone dining table surrounded by stone seats. A lounge area with silver couches and a rich blue carpet sits nestled in the corner to the northeast. You hear the thunder crashing from the manor’s central tower. Each time it does, a frightened yelp comes from behind a door to a small circular chamber at the room’s northern end.

Lounge. On a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, a character will notice short strands of silvery hair from the dire wolves covering the couches.

L4. The Study

This room is simply decorated, with a clear focus on practicality over décor. A single desk sits in the center of the room, surrounded by three cabinets filled with supplies suitable for a workspace.

If the players did not calm the dogs at the entrance, read the following text when they enter the study.

A man dressed in noble garb yelps as he sees you enter. He quickly drops to cower behind a large, ornate desk in the center of this circular room. Holding his hands up in defense as if you are about to spit poison at him, he cries, “W-Wait! Who are you? I-I demand to know! As Lord of Climebriar Manor!”

Creatures. Lord Heggmere, a noble, hides behind the desk in the center of the room.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         If the dogs are leading the characters, they will run through the dining table and lounge area and up to the door to the study. When the study door opens, the dogs jump on Heggmere and start licking his face.

·         Selbi intimidated Heggmere with their slippers of sonority to remain in the study as the druid figured out how to solve the lightning problem.

·         Heggmere will explain that the lightning storm occurred while Selbi, his druid tutor, was tending to the tree in the central tower of the property. Heggmere will tell the party how to access the hidden library through his bedchamber. “Just tap on the forehead of the elven bust three times.”

·         Heggmere’s eyes keep darting about in a paranoid manner. Heggmere spotted an invisible stalker emerging from the mist before it turned invisible. He thinks the creature is a ghost.

Encounter Notes.

·         Lord Heggmere uses the noble stat block. However, if attacked, he will not put up much of a fight. He will surrender as soon as he takes damage.

·         If the party attacked the two dire wolves and Heggmere learns this, he will become furious and attack with renewed purpose. He will fight until near death before surrendering.

Loot. On the ornate desk in the center of the room is Heggmere’s enduring spellbook. He has written several spells in a flowing script. The particular spells are left to the game master to determine, but can be any combination of up to three first or second level spells.

L5. The Withered Tree

The interior of this immense tower is filled with a massive, white-barked tree. Scorch marks decorate the trunk, indicating that lightning once struck here, and even now electricity dances up and down the tree. The tower is open to the sky, allowing sun, moon, and weather to grace the interior as they see fit.

Lightning-Wreathed Tree. If touched, the tree deals 3d10 lightning damage. Characters can remove the lightning from the tree with two separate castings of dispel magic. With the magic dispelled, the tree, although beautiful, looks like a normal plant.

L6. The Lord’s Bedchamber

The chamber features a large bed, a stone table bearing an empty decanter and glass, writing desks, and a fireplace with an elf bust crowning the mantel.

Everything in the room is quite functional, if rather unordinary.

Creatures. Two invisible stalkers are hiding here, clinging to the ceiling. They sneak in behind the characters if they venture into area L7.

Secret Door. The fireplace here shares a chimney with the fireplace in area L7 on the other side of the wall. Characters can pass through to area L7 by crawling on their hands and knees through the fireplace. The fireplace is rarely used and kept quite clean for this very purpose.

L7. The Hidden Library

Books line the length of this long room. In the northern half is a standing bookcase, and the southern half holds an elegantly carved wooden desk and a plush upholstered chair. An enormous book lies open on the desk, between a glowing crystal ball and a square black plate etched with a five-pointed star. A gnome scans the large tome with tired eyes.

Creatures. A druid reads a tome on a desk in the library while two invisible stalkers hide on the ceiling of the bedchamber. They sneak behind the party as they open the hidden door in the fireplace and then float above them to line up with the druid before striking. The invisible stalkers do not consider that a character may have cast see invisibility and won’t react to the characters prematurely, unless the characters explicitly state that they can see the stalkers.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         In the library, the party will find a gnome druid named Selbi reading a giant tome on the desk. Selbi wears a plain brown robe and some out-of-place footwear: silver, bristling slippers of sonority.

·         Selbi is trying to find any spell that might banish or control the lightning storm. As the party enters, the druid will command them to help them search. When they do this, their voices are loud, booming—like the barks of the dire wolves. Characters who do not succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw will feel intimidated to start searching the room.

·         If the party mentions Heggmere’s fear of a ghost, Selbi waves off the concern as a mere misunderstanding of wild magic.

Encounter Notes.

·         After a few minutes of interacting with Selbi, the invisible stalkers will attack the druid. Their appearance will send gusts of wind through the library, making books fly into the air.

·         The invisible stalkers whoosh in after the party, stealthily following them as they make their way through the bedchamber and fireplace. The party will feel a gust of wind as they open the fireplace, but it will take a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to realize it is an invisible creature and not a normal draft.

·         The invisible stalker will focus on attacking Selbi until they perish or until the party proves a threat.

Magic Summon. Wild magic did not summon the invisible stalkers; a hostile spellcaster is ultimately responsible for the sudden storm. Selbi is the creature’s target, as she’s the only one who could destroy the storm.

Slippers of Sonority. Selbi has crafted enchanted footwear from the collected hair of the dire wolf dogs. The item grants the wearer advantage on Intimidation checks by amplifying and deepening their voice. Selbi will not give the shoes away under any circumstances.

Loot. After searching the library, the characters can find two scrolls of dispel magic Selbi missed. These can clear the lightning storm in the foyer and clear the lightning from around the tree. There is also a crystal ball on the desk.


Once the invisible stalker is defeated, the party can report this to Heggmere. He will thank and reward the party 5 gp each. The characters may choose to continue investigating Climebriar and the surrounding forest or to try to discover the culprit behind the incident.

Uninvited Guests - PF2e

Below are the details you need to run this adventure. However, the game master is encouraged to customize it slightly for their group and ongoing campaign. Consider questions such as the following:

·         Where will this adventure take place in your world?

·         Should you change any of the location names to make them better fit your campaign setting?

·         Should you increase or decrease the loot, including adding or removing magic items?

·         Should you adjust any of the encounters to better fit the power level of your players and their characters?

Game Master Notes

Level. This adventure is designed for a group of four level-five characters.

Creatures. This adventure features the following creatures: wolf, beast tamer, phade, noble.

Resting. It’s expected that the party will not need to take any long rests in this adventure, though they may need a short rest if the characters encounter bad luck.

Loot. This adventure contains the following treasure: alloy orb, two scrolls of dispel magic, slippers of sonority, an enduring spellbook, precious gemstones (10 gp each), 5 gp per party member.

Point of Interest: Climebriar Manor

Climebriar Manor

Noble residence

Creatures. The creatures listed in the adventure (aside from the phades) can be found at Climebriar Manor.

Description. Climebriar Manor is a single-floor estate laced with thorny, pale vines within a wintry forest of teal-leafed trees. It once belonged to an elven mage from a long line of holy knights, commemorated in a courtyard of celestial statues on the property.

This elven family worshiped a nature deity whose symbols are a blue serpent, the teal-leafed trees of this forest, and lightning. This imagery runs throughout Climebriar Manor. The tree at the center of the property is a holy site maintained in dedication to this deity. The elven mage who lost this property in a card game to Lord Heggmere now lives among a mage collective in a nearby city.

The shame of losing the family property in a card game plagues the mage daily. He has prayed to his family’s patron deity daily for the strength, foresight, and fortune to do this. His prayers have spurred the wild magic surge of this mini-adventure. The tree at the center of the property houses the essence of that deity, for the elven family has pruned and prayed to it for generations.

Discoveries. While the characters are at Climebriar Manor, they can discover the following:

  • The storage room contains 20 precious gems collected by Lord Heggmere for the purpose of enchantment. They are not magical in nature but are worth about 10 gp each and easily accessible in the room.
  • The library contains books detailing the history of the elven family that used to own the property, the nature deity, and different prophecies gained through Augury that could lead the party on new adventures.
  • The scrollwork on the study’s floor enhances any arcane activities or checks in that room.
  • The shrine outside the manor’s front doors is dedicated to the nature deity worshiped by the family that used to own the state.

L1. Manor Exterior    Low 5

As a large, stately manor wreathed in pale briar comes into view, peals of barrel-chested dog barks tear through the air. You see two large dogs, both silver-coated, bounding from the courtyard on the eastern side of the building to the manor’s front steps. The dogs approach with caution, growling, though their black eyes are wide and weeping.

Creatures. Six dogs (wolves) are barking at the door to the manor, accessible from the courtyard. They run to the front steps as the party approaches.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         The party may assume that these dogs are domesticated and frightened by something but can confirm this with a successful DC 20 Perception check. On a success, the character will intuit that the dogs are domesticated since they wear gem-studded collars and exhibit sociable, though nervous, traits. The dogs hesitantly wag their tails if the party uses calming gestures or voices.

Encounter Notes.

·         A character can calm the wolves if they succeed on a DC 20 Nature check.

o   On a success, the dire wolves will calm down and try to lead the party through the mansion: through the courtyard (L2), the dining hall and lounge (L3), and finally to the door of Lord Heggmere’s study (L4).

o   On a failure, the dire wolves will yelp and run back through the courtyard and into the dining hall, where they will hide under the dining table.

·         If the party attacks the dire wolves, they will defend themselves. As soon as they lose half their hit points, they flee into the forest.

The Sound of Thunder. As the party reaches the foot of the manor’s steps, they hear thunder roaring again. They realize the sound is coming from within.

Climbing Briar. On a successful DC 15 Nature check, a character can deduce that the pale briar on the walls is an aesthetic choice. They notice the overgrown briar on the doors and that the branches end in attractive flourishes.

Shrine. A shrine to a deity of knowledge, a patron of scholars, Lord Heggmere had the shrine built to signify his pursuit of magical scholarship. The water from each spout of the font seems to have frozen into the shape of a serpentine head. Twigs and leaves lie nestled under the fountain’s basin and on some of the steps leading up to it. On a successful DC 20 Religion check, a character will recognize the bundles of detritus as druidic charms.

L2. A Court of Angels

The manor’s facade opens to reveal a snow-laden courtyard attended by a host of celestial statues. Frosted shrubs bristling with bright red berries grow around the statues’ pedestals.

Celestial Statues. Upon closer inspection by characters who can read Elvish, they will learn that these are monuments to the former owner’s family members, who appear to have come from a long line of elf paladins.

Gladdenberries. These randomly plotted berry bushes have been stirred to life by Selbi, the resident beast tamer. A successful DC 20 Nature check will tell a character these berries are edible. On a critical success, a character will know these berries, when ingested, will pique awareness—granting a +2 status bonus on Perception checks.

L3. The Dining Hall

Within this grand dining hall is a large stone dining table surrounded by stone seats. A lounge area with silver couches and a rich blue carpet sits nestled in the corner to the northeast. You hear the thunder crashing from the manor’s central tower. Each time it does, a frightened yelp comes from behind a door to a small circular chamber at the room’s northern end.

Lounge. On a successful DC 20 Perception check, a character will notice short strands of silvery hair from the wolves covering the couches.

L4. The Study             Trivial 5

This room is simply decorated, with a clear focus on practicality over décor. A single desk sits in the center of the room, surrounded by three cabinets filled with supplies suitable for a workspace.

If the players did not calm the dogs at the entrance, read the following text when they enter the study.

A man dressed in noble garb yelps as he sees you enter. He quickly drops to cower behind a large, ornate desk in the center of this circular room. Holding his hands up in defense as if you are about to spit poison at him, he cries, “W-Wait! Who are you? I-I demand to know! As Lord of Climebriar Manor!”

Creatures. Lord Heggmere, a noble, hides behind the desk in the center of the room.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         If the dogs are leading the characters, they will run through the dining table and lounge area and up to the door to the study. When the study door opens, the dogs jump on Heggmere and start licking his face.

·         Selbi intimidated Heggmere with their slippers of sonority to remain in the study as the beast tamer figured out how to solve the lightning problem.

·         Heggmere will explain that the lightning storm occurred while Selbi, his beast tamer tutor, was tending to the tree in the central tower of the property. Heggmere will tell the party how to access the hidden library through his bedchamber. “Just tap on the forehead of the elven bust three times.”

·         Heggmere’s eyes keep darting about in a paranoid manner. Heggmere spotted an phade emerging from the mist before it turned invisible. He thinks the creature is a ghost.

Encounter Notes.

·         Lord Heggmere uses the noble stat block. However, if attacked, he will not put up much of a fight. He will surrender as soon as he takes damage.

·         If the party attacked the two dire wolves and Heggmere learns this, he will become furious and attack with renewed purpose. He will fight until near death before surrendering.

Loot. On the ornate desk in the center of the room is Heggmere’s enduring spellbook. He has written several spells in a flowing script. The particular spells are left to the game master to determine, but can be any combination of up to three first or second level spells.

L5. The Withered Tree

The interior of this immense tower is filled with a massive, white-barked tree. Scorch marks decorate the trunk, indicating that lightning once struck here, and even now electricity dances up and down the tree. The tower is open to the sky, allowing sun, moon, and weather to grace the interior as they see fit.

Lightning-Wreathed Tree. If touched, the tree deals 3d10 lightning damage. Characters can remove the lightning from the tree with two separate castings of dispel magic. With the magic dispelled, the tree, although beautiful, looks like a normal plant.

L6. The Lord’s Bedchamber

The chamber features a large bed, a stone table bearing an empty decanter and glass, writing desks, and a fireplace with an elf bust crowning the mantel.

Everything in the room is quite functional, if rather unordinary.

Creatures. Two phades are hiding here, clinging to the ceiling. They sneak in behind the characters if they venture into area L7.

Secret Door. The fireplace here shares a chimney with the fireplace in area L7 on the other side of the wall. Characters can pass through to area L7 by crawling on their hands and knees through the fireplace. The fireplace is rarely used and kept quite clean for this very purpose.

L7. The Hidden Library         Severe 5

Books line the length of this long room. In the northern half is a standing bookcase, and the southern half holds an elegantly carved wooden desk and a plush upholstered chair. An enormous book lies open on the desk, between a glowing crystal ball and a square black plate etched with a five-pointed star. A gnome scans the large tome with tired eyes.

Creatures. A beast tamer with her wolf companion reads a tome on a desk in the library while two phades hide on the ceiling of the bedchamber. They sneak behind the party as they open the hidden door in the fireplace and then float above them to line up with the beast tamer before striking. The phades do not consider that a character may have cast see the unseen and won’t react to the characters prematurely, unless the characters explicitly state that they can see the phades.

 Roleplaying Notes.

·         In the library, the party will find a gnome beast tamer named Selbi reading a giant tome on the desk. Selbi wears a plain brown robe and some out-of-place footwear: silver, bristling slippers of sonority.

·         Selbi is trying to find any spell that might banish or control the lightning storm. As the party enters, the beast tamer will command them to help them search. When they do this, their voices are loud, booming—like the barks of the wolves. Characters who do not succeed on a DC 10 Will save will feel intimidated to start searching the room.

·         If the party mentions Heggmere’s fear of a ghost, Selbi waves off the concern as a mere misunderstanding of wild magic.

Encounter Notes.

·         After a few minutes of interacting with Selbi, the phades will attack the beast tamer. Their appearance will send gusts of wind through the library, making books fly into the air.

·         The phades whoosh in after the party, stealthily following them as they make their way through the bedchamber and fireplace. The party will feel a gust of wind as they open the fireplace, but it will take a successful DC 20 Perception check to realize it is an invisible creature and not a normal draft.

·         The phades will focus on attacking Selbi until they perish or until the party proves a threat.

Magic Summon. Wild magic did not summon the phades; a hostile spellcaster is ultimately responsible for the sudden storm. Selbi is the creature’s target, as she’s the only one who could destroy the storm.

Slippers of Sonority. Selbi has crafted enchanted footwear from the collected hair of the wolf dogs. The item grants the wearer advantage on Intimidation checks by amplifying and deepening their voice. Selbi will not give the shoes away under any circumstances.

Loot. After searching the library, the characters can find two scrolls of dispel magic Selbi missed. These can clear the lightning storm in the foyer and clear the lightning from around the tree. There is also an alloy orb on the desk.


Once the phade is defeated, the party can report this to Heggmere. He will thank and reward the party 5 gp each. The characters may choose to continue investigating Climebriar and the surrounding forest or to try to discover the culprit behind the incident.

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