In a land as unforgiving as Azeron, destruction and despair wait around every corner. A wizard named Edurnas discovered this when he found himself trapped there after being defeated by a powerful entity, Gormorthos. And now a party of adventures find themselves trapped in that realm as well. Edurnas may play a key role in their journey through this Azeron, but trust isn’t gained easily in that land. Should the party make poor choices when confronting the wizard, their failure to gain Edurnas as an ally may prove a pivotal point in whether they defeat Gormorthos, as well as gain their freedom from Azeron.
The Tower of the Mad Wizard is a fifth-edition compatible adventure for the world's most popular roleplaying game designed for a party of four to six level-eight characters. It features read-a-loud text for ease of use and maps designed for use on virtual tabletops, such as Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds.
Files Included
- The Tower of the Mad Wizard - PDF
- The Tower of the Mad Wizard - Print Friendly PDF
- Gridded VTT Map - Low-Res and High-Res JPGs
- Gridless VTT Map - Low-Res and High-Res JPGs
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