Tin of Warm Drinks | Free Magic Item for D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Designed by Hana the Lorekeeper
Pathfinder 2e conversion by David N. Ross
Tin of Warm Drinks - 5e
Wondrous item, rare
These small, handheld metal boxes often bear paintings of cheerful patterns invoking fireplaces, lanterns, and merry times. The box never grows cold, even in the coldest temperatures.
Inside are 10 (1d12 + 4) servings of a single drink ingredient from the table below. You can remove a serving from the tin of warm drinks and mix it with a container of water for consumption. The duration of each drink once consumed is 1d4 hours. Characters proficient in Brewer’s Supplies or Cook’s Utensils who make the drink cause it to last 4 hours.
Upon consuming the entire beverage, characters are resistant to cold damage and gain an additional effect based on what drink they consumed. A character can only benefit from one drink at a time. At the end of the duration, characters must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take a level of exhaustion.
Once all servings are removed from the box and consumed, the tin becomes an ordinary metal box.
d10 |
Drink Ingredient and Effect |
1-3 |
Coffee Grounds This drink is black and bitter but can be sweetened with milk and sugar. Consuming it grants a +2 to all Intelligence saves and checks for the duration. |
4-6 |
Hot Chocolate Powder This muddy brown drink is sweet with a surprising hint of spice. Consuming it grants a +2 to all Charisma saves and checks for the duration. |
7-9 |
Tea Leaves These loose tea leaves can be steeped to produce an herby drink. Consuming it grants a +2 to all Wisdom saves and checks for the duration. |
10 |
Dried Wrush Berries These minuscule red berries are a rare find in the snowy regions of the world. When placed in liquid, they produce an audible POP, and the drink creates a sharp twang on your tongue. Consuming it grants a +1 to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks for the duration. |
Tin of Warm Drinks, Item 9 - PF2e
Consumable, Magical
Price 600 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
These small, handheld metal boxes often bear paintings of cheerful patterns invoking fireplaces, lanterns, and merry times. The box never grows cold, even in the coldest temperatures.
Inside are 6 servings of a single drink ingredient from the table below. You can remove a serving from the tin of warm drinks and mix it with a container of water for consumption as an Interact action. The duration of each drink once consumed is 1 hour. Characters at least trained in Cooking Lore who make the drink cause it to last 4 hours.
Consuming the entire beverage (an Interact action) grants resistance to cold 10 and an additional effect based on what drink they consumed. A character can only benefit from one drink at a time; a second drink has no effect. At the end of the duration, the drinker must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued.
Once all servings are removed from the box and consumed, the tin becomes an ordinary metal box.
Type tin of warm coffee grounds
This drink is black and bitter but can be sweetened with milk and sugar. Consuming it grants a +2 item bonus on checks to Recall Knowledge or Identify Magic for the duration.
Type tin of warm hot chocolate powder
This drink is black and bitter but can be sweetened with milk and sugar. Consuming it grants a +2 item bonus on Deception, Diplomacy, and Performance checks for the duration.
Type tin of warm tea leaves
These loose tea leaves can be steeped to produce an herby drink. Consuming it grants a +2 item bonus to Perception checks and DCs as well as Religion checks for the duration.
Type tin of warm dried wrush berries
These minuscule red berries are a rare find in the snowy regions of the world. When placed in liquid, they produce an audible POP, and the drink creates a sharp twang on the tongue. Consuming it grants a +2 item bonus on Intimidation, Nature, and Medicine checks for the duration.
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Magic Items