Cave Dripper | Free 5e and PF2e Monster

Cave Dripper | Free 5e and PF2e Monster

Written by Hana the Lorekeeper

High above the cave floor, a seemingly innocent stalactite ripples like water, its form becoming less solid and more ooze-like. Tiny drops of acid fall to the ground as it waits in anticipation for its next meal to pass under it.

Danger from Above. Cave drippers spend most of their time attached to cave ceilings, waiting for their next meal to pass under them. When a promising meal passes by, they drip a glob of highly potent acid on unsuspecting targets. If this doesn’t finish off their target, they will stretch down a pseudopod to bludgeon and reel their meal up to them. Because of this practice, cave drippers are also called “cave fishers.”

Dealing with a Cave Dripper. Because they blend in with cave ceilings and inexperienced adventurers rarely look up, it can be difficult to spot a cave dripper. The first sign of their presence will be a glob of acid splatting their target and a pseudopod reaching down for a target. As long as an ally isn’t grappled by the cave dripper, the best course of action is to leave the area. Creatures that thrive in melee combat will not be able to reach the cave dripper, and targets that move quicker than it and do not succumb to its acid are not worth chasing.

Need More GM Resources? If you're looking for more drag-and-drop creatures like this or other 5e and PF2e resources, check out our entire collection of Lair Magazine issues. This particular monster came from the May 2024 Issue, Desperation & Darkness, where you can find even more game master resources!

Cave Dripper - 5e

Large ooze, unaligned

Armor Class 10 (natural armor)

Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.







16 (+3)

7 (-2)

14 (+2)

2 (-4)

8 (-1)

1 (-5)

Skills Stealth +4

Damage Immunities acid

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone

Senses blindsight 100 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 9

Languages --

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2

False Appearance. While the cave dripper remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary stalactite.

Spider Climb. The cave dripper can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Stretch and Slink. The cave dripper can extend and contract its body up to 50 feet to grant it greater range on its pseudopod attack and movement. If it descends to the ground from the ceiling in such a manner, it takes no fall damage.


Multiattack. The cave dripper makes two attacks: one splat action and one pseudopod attack. It can substitute one splat action for a reel action.

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 50 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained and has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and the cave dripper can’t use its pseudopod on another target.

Reel. The cave dripper pulls a creature grappled by it up to 25 feet straight toward it.

Splat (Recharge 5-6). The cave dripper releases a blob of acid directly underneath itself. Each creature that is within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures that fail take 19 (3d8 + 6) acid damage, and if the target is wearing nonmagical metal armor, its armor is partly corroded and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10. Creatures that succeed only take half damage and do not suffer any penalty to their armor.

Cave Dripper - Pathfinder 2e      

Creature 4

Uncommon, N, Large, Mindless, Ooze

Perception +8; motion sense 60 feet, no vision

Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5

Motion Sense A cave dripper can sense nearby motion through vibration and air movement.

Speleothem When it’s not in danger, the cave dripper spends 1 minute molding its form to look like a stalactite, stalagmite, or similar geological formation. While it is in this form, creatures must actively Seek and succeed at a DC 20 Perception check to detect the cave dripper’s true nature.

AC 14; Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +8

HP 75; Immunities acid, critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious, visual; Resistances bludgeoning 5, cold 5, piercing 5

Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet

Melee [one-action] pseudopod +12 (reach 50 feet), Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning plus Grab

Reel [one-action] The cave dripper pulls a creature grabbed by its pseudopod toward itself. The cave dripper attempts an Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC. On a success, the cave dripper pulls the creature 20 feet closer to it (or 40 feet closer on a critical success).

Splat [one-action] (acid) The cave dripper releases a blob of acid at a point directly beneath itself. Each creature in a 5-foot burst takes 4d8 acid damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save). Any acid damage dealt to a creature is also dealt to the creature’s armor or clothing. The cave dripper can’t use Splat again for 1d4 rounds.

Stretch and Slink [two-actions] The cave dripper extends and contracts its body, moving into a space within 50 feet of it. It can move straight into the air and doesn’t fall provided it ends the movement on a solid surface (such as a ceiling). If it descends from the ceiling to the ground in this manner, it takes no falling damage.

Suction The cave dripper can climb on ceilings and other inverted surfaces, though such surfaces are difficult terrain for it.

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Lair Magazine Bundle, Issues 40-42

For instance, Desperation & Darkness includes ten traps, five encounters, ten creatures, a three-part adventure arc for levels 6 and 7 with digital maps!

Of course, if you're looking for more bang for your buck, you'll want to pick up Lair Magazine Bundle: Issues 40-42.Then you'll get Desperation & Darkness and two other issues: Fables & Fantasy and Society & Splendor. That's nearly 200 pages of 5e and PF2e GM resources!

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