Landslide | Free 5e and PF2 Trap

Written by Hana the Lorekeeper
Separate from the rolling plains and noisy cities, a reverent, wary shroud covers the mountains in a way that few individuals feel completely comfortable with, especially as the sun sets. Perhaps it’s the higher elevation and lack of oxygen, but there are things in the mountains that ordinary humanoids aren’t meant to understand, and some dangers can take out unprepared travelers. While some hazards hinder and harm creatures, the natural hazards of a mountain can manifest themselves in various ways. Stay alert, fellow travelers! Watch your feet and watch your heads. Respect the mountain, and it may show you mercy. . .
If you're looking for more traps like this or other 5e and PF2e resources, check out our entire collection of Lair Magazine issues. This particular trap came from the March 2024 issue of Lair Magazine, Marvels & Moonlight, where you can find even more resources!
Landslide - 5e
Dungeon hazard (Complex trap, level 5-10, dangerous)
Description. Recent rainfalls in a region previously suffering from drought have made the ground extremely unstable. All it takes is one wrong step to send an entire cliff of loosely held dirt and stone tumbling down onto the heads of unsuspecting travelers. While the party can trigger this unintentionally, cunning and cruel individuals can choose to trigger it manually. The exact trap area can range from 50 to 150 feet.
Trigger. Scattered about the area are various weak points that trigger the landslide. These are both on the ground and the cliff face itself. A creature weighing over 200 lbs. that steps on a weak point will trigger the trap. Alternatively, dealing 13 bludgeoning, force, or thunder damage to a weak point can trigger the trap.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative counts 20 and 10 and remains active for 7 (1d6 + 4) rounds, at which point the landslide concludes.
Active Elements. Provide a brief description of what happens when the active elements begin.
Unstable Ground (Initiative 20). The ground shudders and shakes; every creature on the ground must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling prone.
Falling Cliff (Initiative 10). The cliffside becomes unstable, and 4 (1d8) chunks of the cliff fall off and randomly drop onto the path below. A creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid being struck directly by the debris, taking 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage on a failure. Each creature within 10 feet of the impact point must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures that fail take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage, and creatures that succeed take half damage.
Dynamic Elements. Describe what it looks like when the dynamic elements start activating.
Very Unstable Ground. Consider the ground difficult terrain 4 rounds after the trap activates; the DC to avoid falling prone increases to 15.
Pitfall (Initiative 15). The ground begins to give way 4 rounds after the trap activates, forming natural pitfalls in the weakened earth. Roll a die to determine which creature the pitfall forms under. Each pitfall is 10 feet deep; a creature that fails a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw falls into one, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. Climbing out of a pit without a secure rope or assistance requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. The DC decreases to 10 with assistance. There is a 10% chance that a piece of the cliff will fall onto a pit and seal it.
Countermeasures. Creatures that succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check will recall the inherent dangers of land that becomes rehydrated too quickly after a dry period. Creatures that succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check will accurately locate all weak points in a 10-foot area. Creatures that fail the check by 10 or more will misidentify an area as unstable. Spells that manipulate earth, such as move earth, can stabilize weak points or unstable ground.
Changing Seasons. This trap can be re-flavored to an avalanche by changing the dirt and stone into ice and snow, and each hit deals an additional 2 (1d4) cold damage.
Landslide - Pathfinder 2
Hazard 7
Stealth DC 30 (expert)
Description. Recent rainfalls in a region previously suffering from drought have made the ground extremely unstable. All it takes is one wrong step to send an entire cliff of loosely held dirt and stone tumbling down onto the heads of unsuspecting travelers. While the party can trigger this unintentionally, cunning and cruel individuals can choose to trigger it manually. The exact trap area can range from 50 to 150 feet.
Disable DC 27 Perception (expert) to locate unstable parts of the land. Spells that manipulate earth can stabilize these areas.
Don’t Stand There! [reaction] Trigger Scattered about the area are various weak points that trigger the landslide. These are both on the ground and the cliff face itself. A creature weighing over 200 lbs. that steps on a weak point will trigger the trap. Alternatively, dealing 13 bludgeoning, force, or sonic damage to a weak point can trigger the trap. Effect The ground shudders and shakes; every creature on the ground must succeed on a DC 25 Reflex save to avoid falling prone. This makes the cliffside unstable, and 4 (1d8) chunks of the cliff fall off and randomly drop onto the path below. A creature standing where the debris will fall must succeed on a DC 25 Reflex save to avoid being struck directly by the debris, taking 2d10+9 bludgeoning damage on a failure.
Reset At the end of each round, the landslide resets and begins again. This continues until no weak points remain in the cliff.
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For instance, Marvels & Moonlight includes ten hazards, ten monsters, five encounters, and a three-part adventure arc for levels 4 through 5.
Of course, if you're looking for more bang for your buck, you'll want to pick up Lair Magazine Bundle: Issues 37-39.Then you'll get Marvels & Moonlight and two other issues: Tundra & Terror and Heists & Havoc. That's nearly 200 pages of 5e and PF2e GM resources!
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