Lycanthropes Anonymous | 5e & PF2e Encounter

Written by Claire Martin
Cartography by Sir Vicke
Is lycanthropy a curse or a blessing? While being a lycanthrope can ostracize you from society, it can also be a source of great power and strong community with other lycanthropes. This encounter explores some of the ups and downs of being called by the moon.
Versions for both 5e and Pathfinder 2e are included.
If you're looking for more encounters like this or other 5e and PF2e resources, check out our entire collection of Lair Magazine issues. This particular encounter came from the October 2023 Issue, Luna & Lycan, where you can find more encounters and lycanthropy resources!
Lycanthropes Anonymous - 5e
Level. This encounter is designed for a group of four to six level-13 characters.
Creatures. This encounter features the following creatures: moonspirit, werewolf.
Location. Thin wispy mist blows about a graveyard. The statues and headstones are clean and clear. Fresh flowers near some of the graves indicate that this place often receives visitors. The area is still and serene at night but for the forlorn squawking of a lonely crow. Rather than cutting down trees and building industrial paths, the graveyard is constructed around the flora, following the natural trails already there. Several old trees live in harmony with the dead in the ground, but one strange twisting tree stands near the center of the graveyard, its leafless limbs dotted with thorn-like branches and twigs, its bark almost gleaming with a greenish hue, gaping knotholes marking its trunk, and sometimes a light can be seen glowing from inside.
Loot. The characters can find a lantern of revealing inside one of the tree’s knotholes.
Encounter Description
A moonspirit and four werewolves lurk in this graveyard. The moonspirit likes to hide out inside the strange twisted tree while the werewolves secretly gather for their weekly Lycanthropes Anonymous (LA) meeting.
Roleplaying Notes.
- Elladora Ketteridge is a woman in her late 40s with golden eyes and auburn hair. She wears an elegant dress of burgundy silk and black lace with a cream-colored shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She has the poise and deep calm voice of a woman in politics. She worries about damage to her reputation should word of her lycanthropy get out, so she attends LA meetings to exchange tips and tricks on how best to hide it.
- Cassius Turpin is a man of 50 with dark eyes, grey hair, and a deeply lined face. He wears tinted half-moon spectacles, a dapper black and gold suit and cloak, an ornate golden cane, and an oversized plum scarf. He has a rough and raspy voice. His mannerisms are rugged and direct due to years as a lycanthrope hunter. He forcefully joined the ranks after an unfortunate encounter and has since spent his time and energy trying to find a cure.
- Elizabeth Romanov is a 16-year-old girl with heterochromia and dark purple hair she styles into pigtails. She wears a tidy school uniform under a forest green cloak. With a constant stern expression, she regards everyone and everything around her with apathetic indifference. Her primary thought is revenge on her older sister, who cursed Elizabeth with lycanthropy some years ago out of jealousy.
- Bear Cobris is a man in his mid-20s with twinkling brown eyes and disheveled, honey-brown hair. He wears a red tracksuit with several tears and scuff marks. He is quick to reveal a big grin with cartoonishly large teeth and keeps an upbeat and chipper attitude in all situations. Bear has been a lycanthrope for as long as he can remember, as the werewolves who killed his parents decided to raise the orphaned baby as their own. He started the LA support group to make new werewolf friends.
- Unbeknownst to the LA members, the moonspirit has been drawn to observing the werewolves’ secret meetings while hiding within the hollow of the twisted tree. During this time, the moonspirit has grown possessive of these people and will do anything in its power to protect them from harm. The moonspirit is also flighty and skittish and will take flight at the slightest disturbance.
Encounter Notes.
- When the characters arrive in the graveyard, they happen upon an LA meeting, which should be obvious by the overheard conversation (e.g., The woman says, “My name is Elladora.” They all reply, “Hello Elladora.”). If the characters hide and listen in, they will hear each member introduce themselves and share their current werewolf struggles with the group.
- If the characters fail to be stealthy, or they interrupt the meeting in any way, the moonspirit hiding in the tree will take flight and immediately charm the werewolves to attack (it is up to the GM if the charm automatically succeeds, or if each werewolf makes a save). It is clear by the werewolves’ demeanor—their bodies go slack; their eyes turn to wells of moonlight—and their sudden inability to understand common that they are charmed.
- The moonspirit will stay hidden in the tree. However, depending on the moonspirit’s current phase, bright light spilling out from the knotholes of the tree will betray its presence and position.
Epitaphs. If the characters look at some of the gravestones, they will find an eclectic array of epitaphs, from somber warnings to light-hearted limericks (e.g., “Jayce Kelton: Died of Wendigo Psychosis” or “Norville Roberts: Swam into a lake to save a hound, the dog was fine but Norville drowned.”).
Secret. One of the graves has been dug up. Whoever the graverobbers were, they left in a hurry, leaving their shovel behind, as well as the excavated coffin sealed shut by chains. If someone draws near, the coffin shakes, rattling the chains. The cause is left to the game master to determine but some suggestions include a plot hook, a unique magic item, or something else that narratively fits in your campaign.
Lycanthropes Anonymous - PF2e
Level. This encounter is designed for a group of four level-13 characters.
Creatures. This encounter features the following creatures: moonspirit, werewolf.
If this encounter comes down to combat, it will be trivial for characters of this level. Instead, the lycanthropes will do their best to flee the area if the characters are detected. Where they flee to is left to the game master to determine in a way that best suits the campaign.
Location. Thin wispy mist blows about a graveyard. The statues and headstones are clean and clear. Fresh flowers near some of the graves indicate that this place often receives visitors. The area is still and serene at night but for the forlorn squawking of a lonely crow. Rather than cutting down trees and building industrial paths, the graveyard is constructed around the flora, following the natural trails already there. Several old trees live in harmony with the dead in the ground, but one strange twisting tree stands near the center of the graveyard, its leafless limbs dotted with thorn-like branches and twigs, its bark almost gleaming with a greenish hue, gaping knotholes marking its trunk, and sometimes a light can be seen glowing from inside.
Loot. The characters can find a ghost lantern inside one of the tree’s knotholes.
Encounter Description
A moonspirit and four werewolves lurk in this graveyard. The moonspirit likes to hide out inside the strange twisted tree while the werewolves secretly gather for their weekly Lycanthropes Anonymous (LA) meeting.
Roleplaying Notes.
- Elladora Ketteridge is a woman in her late 40s with golden eyes and auburn hair. She wears an elegant dress of burgundy silk and black lace with a cream-colored shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She has the poise and deep calm voice of a woman in politics. She worries about damage to her reputation should word of her lycanthropy get out, so she attends LA meetings to exchange tips and tricks on how best to hide it.
- Cassius Turpin is a man of 50 with dark eyes, grey hair, and a deeply lined face. He wears tinted half-moon spectacles, a dapper black and gold suit and cloak, an ornate golden cane, and an oversized plum scarf. He has a rough and raspy voice. His mannerisms are rugged and direct due to years as a lycanthrope hunter. He forcefully joined the ranks after an unfortunate encounter and has since spent his time and energy trying to find a cure.
- Elizabeth Romanov is a 16-year-old girl with heterochromia and dark purple hair she styles into pigtails. She wears a tidy school uniform under a forest green cloak. With a constant stern expression, she regards everyone and everything around her with apathetic indifference. Her primary thought is revenge on her older sister, who cursed Elizabeth with lycanthropy some years ago out of jealousy.
- Bear Cobris is a man in his mid-20s with twinkling brown eyes and disheveled, honey-brown hair. He wears a red tracksuit with several tears and scuff marks. He is quick to reveal a big grin with cartoonishly large teeth and keeps an upbeat and chipper attitude in all situations. Bear has been a lycanthrope for as long as he can remember, as the werewolves who killed his parents decided to raise the orphaned baby as their own. He started the LA support group to make new werewolf friends.
- Unbeknownst to the LA members, the moonspirit has been drawn to observing the werewolves’ secret meetings while hiding within the hollow of the twisted tree. During this time, the moonspirit has grown possessive of these people and will do anything in its power to protect them from harm. The moonspirit is also flighty and skittish and will take flight at the slightest disturbance.
Encounter Notes.
- When the characters arrive in the graveyard, they happen upon an LA meeting, which should be obvious by the overheard conversation (e.g., The woman says, “My name is Elladora.” They all reply, “Hello Elladora.”). If the characters hide and listen in, they will hear each member introduce themselves and share their current werewolf struggles with the group.
- If the characters fail to be stealthy, or they interrupt the meeting in any way, the moonspirit hiding in the tree will take flight and immediately charm the werewolves to flee (it is up to the GM if the charm automatically succeeds, or if each werewolf makes a save). It is clear by the werewolves’ demeanor—their bodies go slack; their eyes turn to wells of moonlight—and their sudden inability to understand common that they are charmed.
- The moonspirit will stay hidden in the tree. However, depending on the moonspirit’s current phase, bright light spilling out from the knotholes of the tree will betray its presence and position.
Epitaphs. If the characters look at some of the gravestones, they will find an eclectic array of epitaphs, from somber warnings to light-hearted limericks (e.g., “Jayce Kelton: Died of Wendigo Psychosis” or “Norville Roberts: Swam into a lake to save a hound, the dog was fine but Norville drowned.”).
Secret. One of the graves has been dug up. Whoever the graverobbers were, they left in a hurry, leaving their shovel behind, as well as the excavated coffin sealed shut by chains. If someone draws near, the coffin shakes, rattling the chains. The cause is left to the game master to determine but some suggestions include a plot hook, a unique magic item, or something else that narratively fits in your campaign.
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If you're a busy game master looking to reduce your prep time--but still run amazing games your players will love--Lair Magazine has you covered. Every month my team and I create a new issue packed with GM resources such as adventures, puzzles, traps, encounters, maps, and more. What's more, it comes for both 5e and Pathfinder 2e.
For instance, Lair Magazine #34 Luna & Lycan contains encounters, two mini adventures, two full-length adventures, new monsters, and an article on using lycanthropy in your games.
Of course, with Lair Magazine Bundle: Issues 34-36, you'll get Luna & Lycan and two other issues: Fiends & Flames and Festivities & Famine. That's nearly 200 pages of 5e and PF2e GM resources!
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